[Question #823] Herpes or hiv

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101 months ago
I had sex with two Peruvian sex workers a week ago I wore condoms with both and tried to cover exposed skin with a shirt about two days later there was a sharp tingling on my scrotum it lasted for a few hours but day 5 no blisters... I had never experienced tingling on my genitals before could this be herpes itching/ tingling and no sores? I also accidentally got some breast milk in my mouth but spit most of it out hiv possible?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
I'm wondering, Zane, do you think you could be really hyper- aware of any sensations in the genital area after this experience?  That surely does happen pretty often - things that normally you would never have noticed now become kind of the focus of attention.  It sounds like you were very careful about your sexual contact with these sex workers and I think that it would be very unlikely for you to acquire herpes in this way.  Now that you have not experienced any sores or blisters, I think it is even more unlikely.  The breast milk is not an issue.  Please let me know what other concerns you might have.

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101 months ago
I actually have two dots that are red and itch and hurt now but not on my scrotum they are in the top right corner of my pubic not near the original area .... I don't know what to make of these because part of me feels that that is a place I sometimes scratch if I feel an itch.... There are only two dots and some itching has started in the top left pubic hair as well.... Do most outbreaks take place at the exact location of infection because I feel these sections were covered unless some liquid leaked down...... How long would a blister take to heal if it was herpes and don't most outbreaks take place on the shaft of the penis if so that makes me feel a little better..... Also can you answer the question about getting breast milk in my mouth if there is a hiv or herpes risk.... I spit it out but could taste it..... While we are talking herpes what percent of contracting oral herpes do you have if you make out with someone that had a whitefish dot in their mouth that might have been a cold sore is it a definite..... I got tested about a year ago and had no diseases so I would be a little devastated if I caught something.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
Yes, most first infection presents with symptoms in the location of the initial exposure - penis, most often. 
A herpes lesion can take days or weeks to heal, not longer - most within about 2 weeks with first infection. 
I am not at all concerned about the breast milk as a risk for herpes or HIV - see above response. 
If you make out with someone who has an active cold sore, you can certainly get oral herpes - I'm not sure what you mean by a whitefish dot?

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101 months ago
That was a grammar error I meant  whiteish..... Are the odds high are cold sores of being inside the mouth The outside of her mouth was clean..... I am currently in Peru And my research tells me the population is 90% hsv1 positive.... Can herpes be caught by a woman's saliva landing in your pubic hair because now that I think about it one woman did end up dropping some spit very close to my current sores and also on my leg..... I have dodged enough bullets in my life if everything turns out to be okay with this I was to be a one woman man
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
101 months ago
No, I do not believe that you would acquire HSV 1 by a droplet of saliva landing in your pubic hair, that's just not how that works. 
I'm wondering - have you been tested previously tested to determine that you do not already have HSV 1 infection? It is VERY common.  You could easily be infected already
Also normally sores IN the mouth are canker sores, which are not caused by herpes.  It is possible, however to have herpes sores in the mouth, just more commonly they are found in the nose or on the edge of the lip.  Given what you have told me so far, they symptoms you describe do not sound like new herpes to me.