[Question #826] Chance of STI from Breast Frottage?
104 months ago
Good evening. Recently i went to a strip club twice-which in essence is a brothel. I did not engage in any vaginal, anal, oral sex. What I did do however is rub my penis between her breasts and ejaculate on them. She was naked. I also had my pants off. However, my penis was never near her vagina. I was delegated to her chest and the upper part of her body only. My question is, is there a risk for any STI from this exposure? i'm married and want to know if I can resume sexual activity with my wife. I have no physical symptoms of any sort. Once again, i did not touch her vagina, or was my penis in its vicinity. Thank you for your help
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Welcome to the forum. The frottage activity that you describe was an entirely no risk event. Specifically, rubbing your penis between this woman's breasts put you at no risk for HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, or other STIs. Presuming that there were no visible lesions on her breasts (this would be unlikely and you would be unlikely to miss them if there were) there would also be no risk at all for syphilis or herpes. This is true even if she was lactating. There in no reason for testing following an exposure of this sort and no need for concern. I would urge you to go forward without worried. EWH
104 months ago
Thanks for your timely response, Dr. Hook. Just another note: I had engaged in breast frontage back in October and was tested for all stds, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis and HIV, which were all negative. i took a dual HIV test 6 weeks after exposure which was negative, then was tested due to a life insurance exam (which was over 3 months post exposure) which was negative. My question, in closing, and I promise not to be redundant: Before engaging in these recent breast frontage exposures I was STD free, however, after these experiences would this change that? I really want to put this all to the rest. Based on what I described, would you say that any additional testing is necessary? I know you probably already my question, i just wanted one more confirmation.Thank you.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
There is no need for further STI testing. EWH
103 months ago
Hello, Doctor. Thank you again for all of your assistance. Once last question: I went to a strip club the other evening and received a lap dance. The woman wore underwear. I was fully clothed, and was wearing both jeans and boxers. She knelt down and rubbed her breasts against my crotch, which was fully covered. She also might have grazed my genital area with her mouth. Once again, I was fully clothed. I was wearing both jeans and boxers. I pulled back right away, She said she didn't make contact with my penis. In the event she did make contact, would the fact that I was fully clothed, wearing both jeans and boxers a risk event? If by chance her mouth did come in contact with my penis which once gain was fully covered, would there be a risk involved. If her lips did graze my jeans, it was for literally one second. Once again, I was fully clothed. Thank you
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
This was a no risk event. STIs are not transmitted through clothing, ever. This is the case even when the clothing becomes wet with genital secretions. thus, this is a no risk event with no reason for concern and no need for testing.
As per Forum guidelines and since this is my third response to your questions, this thread will be closed in a few hours and there will be no further response to questions as part of this thread. Take care. EWH