[Question #835] STI risk from non-penetrative sexual experience

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104 months ago

I'm married with a child, and I'd like help assessing the risk of a recent encounter I had with a stranger. I'm trying to keep this short, so in lieu of narrative form:
* I fingered the woman through her panties
* I penetrated her with a dildo, getting her fluids all over both hands
* I then proceeded to masturbate until orgasm; she used her very wet panties to help masturbate me
* I sucked on her breasts.

I thought I was being safe (feeling comfortable that mutual masturbation, non-penetrative sex is extremely low risk), but typical anxiety plus a few specific concerns have jumped to mind.
(1) I washed my hands 30 minutes after the experience, and then used hand sanitizer, feeling a very specific burning on two unknown cuts (one under my finger nail of a finger that had been covered in her fluid and also used to masturbate myself), and another on the palm of my other hand (not a deep cut; more a paper cut variety).
(2) Was jerking myself off both with the hand I had used on her AND with her wet panties high-risk? If nothing else, it feels stupid now.

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Welcome to the Forum.  I am confident that the activities that you describe did not put you at risk for any STI, if your partner was infected.  As you point out, masturbation and mutual masturbation are safe sex practices with no risk for acquisition of STI. This is the case even when partners get each others' genital secretions on one another in the process and is the case even of you had cuts or abrasions on your hands.  I would not worry about the exposures you describe and see no need for testing.  You have nothing to worry about.  I hope this comment is helpful to you.  EWH
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104 months ago
Dr. Hook,

Thanks so much. This does put my mind at east. For clarity; there is no risk of infection for ANY possible STI? Thanks again.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Correct, no risk from the exposure you describe.  EWH---
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103 months ago
Dr. Hook,

At the risk of inducing eyerolling from my still-extant anxiety... one detail I left out. We *vigorously* made out and I sucked her breasts for awhile.

Again; I remember enough from my health class to know that's not how one gets an STI, but given that the point was to be comprehensive with the experience, thought I'd add that just to make sure!
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
Not a problem, the vigor with which one makes out has not impact on STI risk.  In adults there is no risk for STI, including HIV from sucking on a partner's breast (and this is true even in instances where the woman may be lactating - still no risk)  EWH