[Question #843] new situation

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104 months ago
Hi sorry I'm back.
This time with new situation. I know this forum is for std, but I'm not really sure were to go as I went to my own doctor and he said  no risk. but because of your experience I will explain and hopefully with your experience in std clinics could advise.

My question is, would you remember or have some evidence of having sex, when you where so drunk you don't remember last part of night? I remember almost everything, only can't remember the taxi back to my hotel.(never had this before) I was with three friends, one was convinced I wasn't in the taxi, but the others think I was :-(. I have had no evidence of sex when I woke up in my hotel room and no evidence someone was with me in the hotel or that I did anything aggressive or something. I only can't match eur 50 from the night, but maybe I lost that as I had it lose in my pocket and not all money I had was gone.

I hope you have some experience with such situations and could advise me. Ofcourse I learned I should not get carried away with alcohol anymore. Thank you in advance for your advise.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago

Welcome to the Forum. You are correct, much of your question is beyond our expertise on this Forum.  From what you say, given the absence of evidence or what you have heard from your friends, there is little realistic chance that you managed to have sex with someone and have no memory of the event.  I would not worry about HIV/STI risks from the event you mention.

I would worry about your drinking however.  It appears that you drank to the point of black out and have no memory of some of the events.  This is a sign of serious and dangerous drinking and may be a sentinel event warranting therapy for alcohol abuse.  EWH

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104 months ago
Dear dr Hook, thanks you for your reply. i understatement about the drinken. I normaal drink aprox 3 tot 4 beers at such nights but I was really stupid this time and carried away and am also shocked with the result. Will never do that again. Good that you said it's not realistic in the mentioned setup. The real reason why I additionally got scared ik that I suddenly after 10days have got sores throat and am starting to feel worse (sore throat, cough, feel warm/measured only smalle increase temperature)  and that one' friend' is (maybe triest to scared me) saving this coulissen happen and I coulissen have caught samenhang :-(. Therefore it's appreciated you mention it sound unrealistic. If someone like me came to your clinical with my(sore throat etcetera) would you only suggesties to do std test for ease of minder op not suggest to do it? Sorry for  asking something like this. (as mentioned before, I will make sure I  never have such a situation with drinken again behandeling as you understand I shocked myself with this) I promise you I will never be in such situation again for my own good well being. Thank you for everything.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Glad you found my comments helpful.  If you came to me with the history provided, I would not be concerned about STI as a cause of your sore throat and would treat you as I do other patients with a sore throat.  I would suggest you discuss this with your regular doctor.  EWH
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104 months ago
Again. Many thanks for your direct, honest approach. I whished the doctors in my country would be like this. Because of the shock (not remembering) and the reaction friend scares and creatief unrealistic stupid wat if questions in my head. Thanks for confronting and make me realize I might be too much unrealistic afraid for std. I will work on this and too keep alcohol use understatement control on nights out.  Have a nice weekend 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
104 months ago
Thanks for your thanks.  Glad to help.  Take care.  EWH