[Question #844] hi risk?

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104 months ago
before few days I've been at Malta for vacation. one night when I was drunk I take service from transexual local csw. the encounter include just mutual masturbation, rubbing my penis against her buttocks (without penetrate at all), she also licked for a few seconds my testicles and my penis but not the head of my penis. she licked my anus for no more than 1 minute. what makes me much worried is the fact she asked me to penetrate her without condom of course I didn't do it, and the fact she used drugs (she use cocaine in front   of me) all those plus her gender saying that that good chance she have HIV. I asked her and she told me she is negative and chacked twice a year . now I'm real worried, don't know if I can sleep with my wife because that stupid incident. please help me, I'm in depression.
thanks a lot.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.

I understand your concern about this exposure, but you really needn't worry. You had entirely safe sex -- smart move! It is true that a partner who invites condomless anal penetration and is a drug user likely is at high risk of HIV, it is unlikely she is infected. Most people don't lie about HIV status when asked directly. But even more important, even if she had HIV, you were not at risk from these sorts of contacts. Without anal (or vaginal) penetration, HIV is not sexually transmitted; even oral sex carries little or no risk, and for sure there is no chance of infection through hand-genital contact, penile skin with buttocks, or oral contact with the genital area.

For additional reassurance, you might want to be tested for HIV in a few weeks. This does not mean I believe there was any risk you were infected; I do not. But often nervous peole are more reassured by a negative lab test. In the meantime, it is safe to continue sex with your wife. That's what I would do if somehow I were in your situation.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes and stay safe--

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104 months ago
thank you very much! 
appreciate you're kind, explained answer. feeling much better now.
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104 months ago
but just to be clear, you think those acts are zero risk activities? cause I read at list about one case report who claimed infect by rimming.
thanks again, just want to be sure I understand you.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago
Yes, for sure these are zero risk activities. I can't vouch for the case report you mention, but there are innumerable claims by people who in fact cannot know exactly when and how they are infected with HIV. I am unaware of any scientifically proved cases of acquisition of HIV by rimming. And even if it were true, so what? That one case might be reported, over millions of infections worldwide over 30 years, would prove how rare it is, if it occurs at all.

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104 months ago
thanks for make it clearly for me.
no more questions, thanks again!
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
104 months ago
Thanks for the thanks. I'm glad to have helped. Take care and stay safe!
