[Question #847] HIV concern blood transfer
103 months ago
I went for a sports massage. During massage I noticed masseuse light bleeding from spot on her hand. During massage she began to massage my thighs and groins. I stopped her and ended the massage.
I came home and showered but after getting out of the shower I noticed bleeding from my groin and scrotum on the towel. I do get cracked bleeding skin in the groins and also have blood blisters on my scrotum.
I was concerned about HIV given it turned out the masseuse was offering sexual services. In hindsight it was an unhygienic location and I shouldn't have used the service.
5 weeks later I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. I had fevers 39 degrees, muscle and joint pains and nausea. Chest x-ray confirmed pneumonia. Virology was normal for flu like causes. Why is a fit and healthy person like me getting admitted to hospital with pneumonia?
I am finding it hard not believing that I have contracted HIV from the masseuse. She must have rubbed her blood into my bloody wound and infected me? People keep telling me its not possible as HIV dies in air but what if no air was involved as it was pushed straight into my bloodstream. If this is not what is meant by blood transfer then what is? I can't stop feeling I am the unluckiest person in the world and will contract HIV like this. I don't have HIV testing available to me.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
103 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago
103 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
103 months ago