[Question #858] risk of transferring hsv1 via oral sex
99 months ago
about three years ago, a partner that I'd been having unprotected sex with for a few months developed a blister on her vagina that turned out to be HSV2. I got tested again (had done a full STD screen before we got together) and learned that I have HSV1. I've never had an outbreak and HSV1 isn't part of the normal STD screening I've done in the past, so no idea how long I've had it. the next partner I had, whom I've been with for the last two years, has also developed blisters on her vagina that tested out as HSV2. I'm trying to understand if my own HSV1 infection is the source of those outbreaks, and if that's something I have to be cautious of with future partners (oral sex is a big deal for me), or if it's just an unfortunate coincidence. what is the risk of infecting a new partner via oral sex?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
HSV 1 is not HSV 2 and vice versa. They are different viruses and you could not give someone HSV 2 unless you yourself have HSV 2. HSV 1 does not turn into HSV 2. How long after you had sex with the first person who has HSV 2 did you test? Have you tested recently? It is possible that you acquired HSV 2 from her, tested too soon, and could have infected the second person with HSV 2 without knowing you had it but if you've tested recently, then that isn't the case.
99 months ago
I had myself re-tested less than a week after my first partner learned of her infection. I'm checking with my doctor's office to find out if I've done another round of testing since then; can't recall. I will follow up when I have more info.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
99 months ago
ok, going back through old records, my partner from three years ago was diagnosed with HSV2 in december of 2013. I got tested the day after she told me about it and those results came back positive for HSV1, negative for HSV2. I was retested again in july of 2014 with the same results. based on that, am I correct in thinking that both partners contracted their HSV2 from elsewhere? just seems like too much of a coincidence.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
99 months ago
Yes, I believe that both partners got HSV 2 somewhere else, if you continue to test negative. The test has about a 95% accuracy rate. Women are more frequently infected with HSV 2 than men so not a total surprise.