[Question #869] hip pain & small heat

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103 months ago

Four and half days ago i had protected sex (oral and vag) from a girl i just meet. The only unprotected part of the encounter was when she manually stimulated me (she spit for lubing from a short distance) and from body rubing (she on top and me on top after) in which our genitals could have been in contact. 

"Immediatly" after that a couple of hours (5/6) after my penis tip started burning a bit which stills persists until today (even though sometimes it burns more and others less it also depends if I’m nervous about it or not). 
Then around Tuesday (2 days after) i started feeling a small discomfort on my testicles (i can't really call it a pain because it doesn't hurt, it just feels like sometimes there is a small pressure or a hake). 
On Wednesday I also started feeling some muscle ache in my upper outer thigh/hip (hard to pin point where it is but it’s on the outer area and it mostly only hurts with certain movements so it’s not like sharp shock pains that come and go) my lower back also started to hurt a bit (really not much).
Today I still have some testicle hake but sometimes I don’t even notice (they are more sensible) and my muscle ache seems about the same.

Some notes: 
it doesn't burn when i pee or ejaculate; I don’t feel the need to pee; The weekend involved alot of alcool; I do have a slight burning sensation on my penis, testicle and pubic hair area (it doesn’t hurt its more like a “heat”); i'm very very nervous about this.
My questions are: 
1- I read that synthoms for std normally dont appear this fast, so can this be std? 3-Which STD would have this symptoms?2-Should I go to a doctor for analyses?

4- I read that lower back pain and thigh/hip pain (specially left one as mine is) can be connected to genital herpes, could this be it? I don’t have any redness on my pubic area/penis/testicles and I don’t feel itchy, at least I wouldn’t say any more than usual. Again I don’t see any redness or skin rashes but it does feel warm/heat. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I apologize for the delay in getting back to you- we had some confusion amongst ourselves in getting to your question.  As I understand it, your penetrative (vaginal and oral) sex was condom protected and your only exposures to her secretions and body were when she masturbated you, using saliva as lubricant and when you were rubbing against each other without penetration. If that is the case, there is nothing about your exposure that put you at meaningful risk for any STI.  STIs, including HIV are not spread by non-penetrative contact, nor by contact with saliva.  Herpes and syphilis may be exceptions to this but your symptoms began too soon to be due to the STIs you describe.  I suspect the "immediate" discomfort you felt was due to the friction of rubbing together during your encounter, not an STI.  Similarly, the sorts of testicle pain and back pain you describe are not suggestive of any STI (including herpes)

None of the symptoms you describe, nor the details of the exposure itself suggest and need for concern and no need for STI testing.

I hope these comments are helpful and again, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  EWH

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103 months ago
Hi Dr. Edward, 

First off all thank your for your answer. You're correct in all the facts you state about the encounter. 
The burning sensation has passed and all that is left now after 9 days  is a testicle/groin pain  (or swollen left testicle) and a small lower back pain (could be bad posture as i work the whole day in the computer).

Is there any STD that can cause testicle discomfort? Or is this probably just a trauma from the encounter? I do have a small dark bruise on the left side of my genital area.

Thank you in advance 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago
There are no STIs that are associated with intermittent testicular discomfort.  Rarely and when associated with penile discharge and burning on urination gonorrhea or chlamydia can lead to testicular discomfort but this is quite uncommon and does not sound at all like your situation.  I would not worry if I were you. EWH
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103 months ago
Hi Dr. Edward thank you once again for your response.
In any case if i would like to get tested for any STD (just for piece of mind) which ones would you say i need/should be asking for? 

My symthons now are small disconfort on testicles/penis (like a small tickling now... it doesn't seem to hurt anymore) , backpain and some felling of a full bowel (maybe just my nervs about all this)

I already did an urine test and an ultrasound on the groin/testicle area nothing seem wrong. 

Thank you in advance
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

I understand that testing for STIs might help you to achieve peace of mind.  In terms of testing, testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia is certainly reasonable.  You may want to be tested for syphilis and HIV as well.  None of these infections is likely.  I would however urge you NOT to have a blood test for herpes- these tests often are misleading because they may have a false positive result or may identify prior infection with herpes viruses (particularly herpes type-1, the virus that causes cold sores and which infects over half of all adults, whether they experience cold sores or not). 

I hope these comments are helpful.  I am confident that your current symptoms are not due to an STI acquired from the encounter that you describe.  The sensation you describe above may represent identification of normal sensations which you are more aware of at this time because you are paying more attention to your genital regions than is normal the case when you are not worried that you might have an STI. 

As per Forum policy, this thread will be closed later today.  If there are further questions you will need to start a new thread.  EWH

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102 months ago
Hi Dr. Edward could i just make one last question? 

How soon could HIV early symptoms appear? 
Like sore throat and swollen lymph nodes for example... is it possible in 12 days? Today i started feeling a small disconfort in my neck and on my throat (not severe)
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
You are not following Forum rules. You had a no risk exposure.   This thread is closed.  EWH