[Question #896] Worried

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103 months ago
Hello doctors it's me again I previously asked questions on number 618, 585. I took Dr. hooks advice and went to get medical counseling however an issue has arised that has risen my level of anxiety. After my oral exposure I refrained from have sex with my GF for 4 months. During that time I took tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, UU, MH, Trich, HIV, Syphilis and my urologist did a urinalysis and csytoscopy on me everything has come back negative. I've looked everywhere to do a test for MG but it's almost impossible to find in Toronto (worst mistake in the world was typing if not chlamydia or gonorrhea then what  on google).  I've finally convinced myself I couldnt have contracted MG through that oral exposure thanks to you guys. We finally had sex ten days ago, on day 5 she was spotting and said it was because of her cyst and her birth control pill was fighting the period. I got paranoid but brushed it off. Day 10 she got a high fever today couldn't sleep at night, her whole body is in pain, and says her stomach feels empty and is in pain that feels like cramps. Even the slightest touch hurts her.

1) Is there anyways this could be my fault? My only exposure were those two oral ones. I've ruled out all the sti's above, I haven't tested for herpes because of no lesions or weird marks.
2) Could it be an early onset of PID? Symptoms sound similar but then again those symptoms could relatedto alot of things? (timing of symptoms driving me crazy)
3) I still have warm/ very mild burning feeling when peeing urologist gave me cipro, but that only treat prostatitis. Would the Urinalysis pick up any ngu infection or should I do a swab. I'm going back to him on Monday.
4) Just one last time I couldn't have gotten MG from this exposure right? it was only oral. ( I know contradiction from up top) 

Thank you doctors for your help anxiety is a terrible thing but your information puts my mind to ease.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

Welcome back to the Forum.  I'm pleased that you have sough counseling and as you will see below, I think you may want to follow-up with your counselor again.  My suspicion is that you continue to wrestle with guilt related to your escapade and that this continues to cause you to be overly sensitive to normal genital sensations.  As I suggested before, you are NOT doing yourself any favors by searching the internet- it will continue to fuel your anxieties and mislead you.  In answer to your specific questions

1) Is there anyways this could be my fault? My only exposure were those two oral ones. I've ruled out all the sti's above, I haven't tested for herpes because of no lesions or weird marks.

No, this is not your fault-  Your tests prove that thi sis the case.  You cannot continue to worry that every ache or pain, particularly if they occur related to your partner's genital tract, is due to an STI that you give to her.

2) Could it be an early onset of PID? Symptoms sound similar but then again those symptoms could relatedto alot of things? (timing of symptoms driving me crazy)

The symptoms of PID are highly non-specific.  In my opinion, your partners symptoms as describe are not suggestive of PID but rather some other process, perhaps a community acquired, non-STI viral illness.

3) I still have warm/ very mild burning feeling when peeing urologist gave me cipro, but that only treat prostatitis. Would the Urinalysis pick up any ngu infection or should I do a swab. I'm going back to him on Monday.

In combination with your test results, you can be confident that you do not have NGU.  You do NOT need a swab test.

4) Just one last time I couldn't have gotten MG from this exposure right? it was only oral. ( I know contradiction from up top)

since we last exchanged thoughts, Dr. Handsfield and I have attended a conference on M. genitalium which was attended by the world's experts on this organism.  Again, there is no evidence that M. genitalium is found in the oral cavity or acquired by receipt of oral sex. 

Please work to move forward.  You need to address your guilt.  EWH

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102 months ago
Thank you doctor, I have been going to therapy once a week. I'm glad to hear you Dr. Handsfield attended another MG conference where no strains infected the oral cavity. Medhelp boards were my worst enemy during this time. Some people were saying you can catch MG from oral and others were saying you can't, and I just turned in to a confused mess. It's been tough walking around with a heavy heart and in turn my mind was playing tricks with me. I actually convinced myself I had HIV at one point then went to get tested even though the chances of getting hiv from oral are almost 0. Obviously the test came back negative.

My anxiety brought me here again because about a week and a bit after we resumed having sex again my partners stomach started to hurt left side going upwards, she caught a fever, and she still has nausea. Right away my brain goes to the worst case scenario and I think PID.  Just now I'm starting to get the strength to believe it wasn't from me after all the tests and you telling me MG isn't passed through oral. Anyways symptoms have been going on for about 5 days now, so I'm going to take her to the hospital to see what's wrong. We just came back from vacation to Cuba to so it might be something from vacation as well.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
As I mentioned above, you have no reason to worry that you acquired an STI and gave it to your partner.  You are over reacting.  I urge you to get some help working through your guilt.  EWH---