[Question #899] Follow Up on STD Risk

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103 months ago
I've asked a few questions over the past couple of weeks and appreciate the responses that I've gotten, they've given me great comfort in this stressful time.  I'm almost ready to move past this stuff but have a few more questions:

1 - Besides the mutual masturbation that I mentioned I received at the Strip Club I think there was some clothed frottage and potentially unclothed frottage, atleast my pants may have been down and she still had her gstring on (not that a gstring covers a lot of skin).  It did not last long, my memory says it was seconds but if it were minutes it wasn't more than a couple, and there was no penetration.   I'm still not sure I found the definitive answer I've been looking for, is this still considered a low risk act for Herpes and other STDs?  

2 - I'm 20 days from exposure without any outbreaks (that I can tell), I don't have any pain in my penis (anymore), I don't have any pain when I urinate, I don't have swollen lymph nodes, body aches or fevers... the only concern I have right now is the frequency I urinate, I have to go to bathroom every 30 minutes to urinate and it's been like this since exposure.  Without knowing I would think that is a symptom of an STD?  A great community member at Medhelp assured me it was not but some general searching online does seem to pair Frequent Urinating with STDs.  What's the definitive answer?  And I had my urine checked for an infection 7 days after and it came back negative, not sure if it's worth doing again.

3 - Everyone seems to tell me that I had a low risk encounter and with no symptoms that I should be all set but I'm obviously very anxious about it.  I'm married and want to have sex with my wife but I'm not sure how i should handle it.  What would be  your recommendation?  I most importantly don't want to put her at risk but at the same time I'd prefer to not tell her about this encounter at the strip club, should I just forget about it and move on?

4 - What STDs should I be test for, if any?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
Randy, I'm going to ask Dr. Handsfield or Hook to answer your question, given the broader nature of your question.  My response would be you are just fine, but you may feel more reassured about STD's in general if they respond.  I am not concerned about herpes here.

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103 months ago
Thanks Terri!

And if I'm being honest there is still some discomfort at the tip of my penis, not painful but I feel something occasionally.   It's not sensitive to touch at all. Keep trying to tell myself it's nothing so I left it out of that last email. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

Terri asked me to comment on your continuing concerns.  As she has already indicated, your risk of STI from frottage- clothed or otherwise is virtually zero. Terri has already commented in herpes.  for other STIs without penetration, there is simply no risk.  As for your specific questions:

1. See above, like frottage of any sort, mutual masturbation is also a virtually no risk event.  No reason for concern, no reason for testing.

2. Urinary frequency I snot an STI symptoms, it is a sign of anxiety.

3.  Nothing you have said in this post, or your earlier questions suggests an STI, nor any reason not to have sex with your wife. 

4.  I see no need for STI testing of any sort.  You are overthinking this and clearly feeling guilty.  You need to get by this. 

I hope these comments help.  EWH

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
Thanks so much, Dr. Hook, much appreciated.  Randy, do you feel better?

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103 months ago
Thank you both very much, that is very helpful!

Just to be crystal clear... My bare penis rubbing against a strippers vagina (area) is still a no risk event for an STI as long as there is no penetration?

I know you're some of the best at what you do in the world so I'll take your word for it. 

Thanks again. 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

I understand that this may have been your bare penis and that your partner was wearing only her G-string.  Still no risk.

I would add however that you seem to be working to convince yourself that this was risky.  In your question above you state "I think there was some clothed frottage and potentially unclothed frottage, at least my pants may have been down and she still had her gstring on (not that a gstring covers a lot of skin)." but now you seem more convinced (although I am not).  This suggests to me that your anxiety and guilt is amplifying what is going on and suggest that rather than looking for disease, you might benefit by talking this through with a professional counselor or mental health professional.  there is no STD risk from the activities you describe.  EWH

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103 months ago
Thank you Dr Hook.  

I can understand not getting all STIs except Herpes that way, it seems like that would still be a risk. And the frequent urination just doesn't seem to go away. 

To top it off my daughter still has the rash on her butt I submitted a question about 2 weeks ago, one of them even scabbed over. And she has the frequent urination thing going on too but in her case it can't be stress induced because she is oblivious to the concerns I have. 

I'm so scared I have herpes and I passed it along to my daughter. I do need help and I have been seeking it but I can't speak to my wife about it.

Terri, please tell me one more time  that my exposure is not a risk for Herpes  and I didn't somehow pass it along to my daughter.   I'll be done after this. 
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103 months ago
To make matters worse my 20 month old daughter has full blown blisters on her vagina like we've never seen.   She seems fine besides that, no fever or anything but it is a scary coincidence.... 

They're bad enough we need to bring her to the doctors and I'm scared to even mention my concerns about herpes. 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
103 months ago

Whatever is going on here is unrelated to the events you describe above and is not consistent with herpes related to the sorts of exposures you describe.  I would suggest you take your daughter to the doctor and find out what she has. 

This will end this thread which has gone beyond the allotted three responses per question. The thread will be closed in a few hours.  eWH 
