[Question #924] Hsv - 6 week follow up result

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103 months ago
Hi, when I first became concerned with having contracted hsv I had my blood tested and the result  was a value of .91 for hsv-2.  This was exactly one week after last contact. Terri informed me I tested too soon and that it was good because I established a base line.

I had another test 4 weeks after contact and it came back .90.  At exactly six weeks since possible infection I took another blood  test and it came back with a value of .93.  

In summary, I have had three tests in the last six weeks. All negative with values of .91, .90, .93 (sixth week value). I have not had any symptoms, lesions, or bumps.  I want to test again, but my physician feels I'm not infected with Hsv. I have been negative for hsv-1 all three tests. 

Do you think I may still be infected with a .91 average over the last three weeks?  Should I test again in another six weeks?  Have you ever seen people that are negative, but in the .91 range? Should I order a more comprehensive test like the Western Blot? Thanks for your help!
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103 months ago
Note- this is a continuation from question #830
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
I honestly don't think you need to test again.  You likely have something non-problematic in your blood that is causing this test to be looking equivocal.  However, at six weeks, the test is only about 70% accurate so you should know that.  If you were positive I would expect to see your values rising, honestly.

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103 months ago
Thank you so much for your help Terri. This website has been a life saver. My nerves and anxiety have been going crazy with this. 

Have you ever seen people with high negatives results before? My doctor said chicken pox can affect results. I did have a bad case of the chicken pox when I was a kid, could that influence the results as well?  

Lastly, does serumization constitantly build after infection or could it spike in the next six weeks? I think I may take another test at 12 weeks. I've really been on edge with this. Thanks again for all you do!
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
103 months ago
I have seen people with both high negatives and low positives not confirm by western blot in the past, often.  Testing again at 12 weeks is the most conservative thing to do and I think it's fine though I don't expect a change, to be honest. 
