[Question #939] Coinfection and risk
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
1. "Clearly" is too strong a word- while there is a risk you are more likely to be struck by lightening. As for continuing to snort cocaine, this is a personal choice with many possible medical complications including heart attacks (which occur as a result of cocaine snorting far more often than HIV). Clearly sharing the "equipment is not a good idea either.
2. Is it theoretically possible- sure. Is it likely, no. Please let us know your test results. I am confident that your did not get hepatitis C from snorting cocaine but if your test should be positive, I would learn something.
3. correct, no good biological reason to think that results would be meaningfully delayed if you happened to get both infections at once. No, you do not need to go back 6 or 12 months.
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Yes, a hepatitis C result would certainly be conclusive at this time, more than 90 days after the event you described.
I'll be happy to leave this post open so you can post your result. I am confident it will be negative but as I said, I'm always prepared to learn if I'm wrong.
Take care and stay safe. EWH
101 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Thanks for your follow-up, I appreciate it and congratulate you on seeking help in dealing with this. It does sadden my that your psychiatrist mistakenly insisted that you needed further testing. As an infectious diseases specialist, I can completely assure you that your test results PROVE that you did not acquire hepatitis through the cocaine snorting event you described above.
As per Forum policy, this thread will now be closed- I wish you the best. EWH