[Question #961] Follow up questions and concerns regarding single exposure from question #922
102 months ago
Hello Doctor, I have come back again with more questions and
concerns. I originally posted a question last week, it was #922 to be exact. If
you could go back and read through that so you know what my exposure and
previous questions are.
I’ll get to the point of this post now.
I have returned here again because I have been very afraid
of certain things that have happened recently and things that have returned
Like I mentioned in my old post, I have been feeling very
minor pain in my penis that my Doctor has told me was just being caused by my
mind. I am trying to accept this as the reason, but I can’t get myself to
believe/understand this. Last Saturday, I got my latest negative tests, I
started to feel happy again, but later that night my “pain” seemed to grow a
little. The next day I felt similar pain but in smaller “pulses”. Since that Saturday, that similar “pain” has
either disappeared or has reduced in strength. I would also like to mention that that same
pain I felt Saturday doesn’t seem to occur when I have an erection or when I
ejaculate. It seemed to occur randomly. I still have no kind of pain when I
1)If this “pain” was being caused
by my mind/anxiety, why did the pain seem to get a little stronger at the time
I was starting to finally move on?
2)Does this sound like any sort of
symptom for any STD or infection?
3)Can the mind cause these types
of pains in the penis?
I have also had some small white chunky stuff under my
foreskin, I first noticed this about 1 week after my exposure. I think its
smegma, one of my Doctors also said it was something normal. I never checked
under my foreskin before my encounter so I’m not sure if I have always had it.
I have been washing under my foreskin daily ever since I noticed it, most of
the time there is hardly any under there if any, but sometimes there is a small
build up the next day after I have cleaned under the skin.
4)Does this seem to be something
normal? I have tested negative for Gono/Chlamydia at 11 weeks and 2 days.
My last and biggest concern now is related to HPV/warts and
herpes. Because I have tested negative for all the other STDs (I haven’t tested
for herpes as I was told not to unless I have an outbreak), HPV/warts are my
last worry simply because of there being no test for males to take. What makes
me worried is a lump in my throat that I had biopsied by an ENT. It came out to
be just some enlarged tonsil tissue. I also have some dark “marks” or lines on
the back of my throat which the ENT says are probably enlarged veins. The
biopsy was done on June 28th, and for about 2 weeks I had forgotten
about the lump. Just yesterday I noticed it coming back again in the exact same
spot. This has me worried about HPV/warts. I DID NOT have any oral sex with the
escort I was with, I DID NOT put anything in my mouth that was inside of her or
around her. I didn’t put anything in my mouth while I was here.
5)Could this be HPV related at all?
6)If the escort had warts, and I had gotten
infected through the bottom of my scrotum, will the warts appear first in the
place that was infected or could they appear on the tip of my penis first?
7)How soon do warts appear? When can I stop
worrying about HPV/warts.
8)Can I stop worrying about herpes since I’m
this far out and have had no signs or outbreaks. How soon do outbreaks occur?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Greetings. I will be answering your questions this time. I have reviewed your earlier interaction with Dr. Handsfield and am sorry that you have had trouble accepting what he told you. I agree with what he told you- the exposure you describe was safe sex with very little risk for STI or HIV and your follow-up tests prove that you were not infected. The continuing symptoms you describe are in no way suggestive of STI but they do suggest that you are anxious about the exposure and perhaps guilty, fueling unnecessary concerns. In answer to your continuing questions:
1)If this “pain” was being caused by my mind/anxiety, why did the pain seem to get a little stronger at the time I was starting to finally move on?
Anxiety is a powerful force. That you notice your discomfort at times when you are not otherwise occupied by activities of daily living makes it all the more likely that this is an anxiety related problem. STD symptoms do not come and go in the way you describe.
2)Does this sound like any sort of symptom for any STD or infection?
See above, no!
3)Can the mind cause these types of pains in the penis?\
4)Does this seem to be something normal? I have tested negative for Gono/Chlamydia at 11 weeks and 2 days.
I agree with your doctor, this is likely to be normal. Your anxiety is causing you to notice things that went unnoticed in the past.
5)Could this be HPV related at all?
No, you were not exposed
6)If the escort had warts, and I had gotten infected through the bottom of my scrotum, will the warts appear first in the place that was infected or could they appear on the tip of my penis first?
Sigh, there are no data to answer this wildly hypothetical question. Warts typically take 6-8 weeks to appear, Please read our responses to other clients- this really should not be a concern,
7. How soon do warts appear? When can I stop worrying about HPV/warts.
I don't think you should be worried about HPV/warts at all. If you were going to develop visible genital warts, they would appear no sooner than at 6 weeks.
8)Can I stop worrying about herpes since I’m this far out and have had no signs or outbreaks. How soon do outbreaks occur?
Yes, you should stop worrying about HSV, as well as other STIs. If you were going to experience an outbreak, it would have been within two weeks of exposure.
Your concerns are really not warranted. I hope these responses will help you to move on. You need to., EWH
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Your anxiety (and I presume shame and guilt) are out of control. My advice is that your highest priority should be to speak with a counselor. Feel free to share this and your past communications of this Forum with them. In addition, you need to get better explanations about your concerns from your doctors. Does the ENT know of your concerns? The tonsils are lymphatic glans and so what your earlier excision showed was the you had excised was lymphatic tissue. This is very different than HPV and in no way suggests oral HPV. And in reference to your question above, there is virtually no risk for HPV from your singe encounter and even if somehow you had been infected, it would not be possible for you to transfer a genital infection acquired from an escort (which is most unlikely) to your mouth on your hand- such thoughts are fanciful.
I continue to avoid herpes blood testing. You would have had an outbreak long ago and for you testing with the high probability of a false positive result would set you up for trouble.
Finally, in terms of this exposure, it was safe for you to have unprotected sex with your regular partner weeks ago so it will certainly be safe as well at this time- your results were conclusive weeks ago. EWH
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago