[Question #963] Follow up to question #811
102 months ago
Thanks again doctor for all that you do
Just wanted to update you on my situation…
It has been 7 weeks and 6 days since possible exposure via
unprotected oral sex for approx. 5 seconds with CSW
I have had mostly constant burning on inner thighs and in
groin fold since exposure with purple looking rash. Rash is not raised and extends
down thighs for a few inches on each leg (almost looks like stretch marks). It Burns
more at certain times during day and less at others.
Had one small raised, pinkish/flesh colored looking blister
(approx. 1/6in in diameter) appear 5 weeks post exposure on left side of upper
penis shaft. Blister healed without ulcerating or scabbing after approx. 11-12
Still feel fatigued at times, loss of appetite in mornings
and afternoons (I’ve lost 15lbs since exposure), trouble sleeping at night
Penis feel more sensitive than usual, lightly tingles and
burns about 50% of the day and feels different than normal. Testicles and
overall groin tingle/burn at times as well
I took all tests including 4th gen HIV at 3 weeks
post exposure with everything coming back negative (herpes not included)
Oraquick 5 weeks post exposure also negative
Went to a STD nurse practitioner who looked at blister on
penis and said “it could be anything including herpes, wart, harmless blister,
cyst etc) and refused to culture it because there was no liquid
I plan on getting full testing tomorrow at 8 weeks post
exposure. I will update you when I get results
Do my persisting symptoms for more than 7 weeks lead
you to believe that I contracted an STI?
Should I expect a negative HIV test from future
tests based on my previous testing?
What could explain my persistent symptoms?
I’ve heard that sometimes genital HSV is
atypical and can present many different ways?
I have obtained from any sexual relations with
my regular partner in fear of transmitting something to her… Are my fears
Any words of encouragement Doc because I feel
like I contracted something that will ruin my life.
Can you guys please replace my name with
username on this post and previous post?
Don’t mean to be repetitive but am truly scared……Thanks
again for all that you do
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
It saddens me to see that you continue to worry about the no risk for HIV or other STI exposures that you described to me weeks ago. The continuing symptoms you describe are not at all suggestive of STI and that they have now persisted for seven weeks strengthens my conviction that you did not acquire and STI of any sort from the exposure you described. While I would not have suggested further testing, if you must, I am confident that further tests will be negative. I will address your specific questions below:
1. Do my persisting symptoms for more than 7 weeks lead you to believe that I contracted an STI?
See above, you continuing symptoms are in no manner shape or form suggestive of and STI.
2. 2. Should I expect a negative HIV test from future tests based on my previous testing?
Absolutely, there is no reason to worry about HIV from the no risk events you described in your original poste
3. 3. What could explain my persistent symptoms?
YouYour continuing symptoms are most consistent with hyper vigilance and anxiety amplifying the sorts of normal sensations that people feel but tend to overlook/ignore unless they are focused on looking for symptoms.
4. I've heard that sometimes genital HSV is atypical and can present many different ways?
Correct but your symptoms are not suggestive of even atypical herpes.
5. I! have obtained from any sexual relations with my regular partner in fear of transmitting something to her… Are my fears warranted?
6. &. Any words of encouragement Doc because I feel like I contracted something that will ruin my life. I believe you are over reacting and suffering form an unwarranted anxiety state fueled by your guilt and shame over your activities. you need to get over the, To do this, I would suggest you seek the counsel of a mental health professional. your unjustified concerns are clearly having a negative impact on your life.
7. Can you guys please replace my name with username on this post and previous post?
You will have to see the site administrators about this. Please understand however that other than your screen name, no identifiers are accessible to others.
Take care. EWH
102 months ago
Thanks again Doctor Hook. You are 100% correct.
All tests came back negative at 8 week mark (HIV, Hep A/B/C,
HSV 1&2, Gon/Chlam, Trich, Syph…
I am also planning on getting some mental health counseling
for anxiety related issues from this event. You have helped put my mind at ease
with your thoughts and knowledge on this subject.
I am also planning on going to see Urologist for continued
urethral sensitivity, mild burning/tingling around groin area and penis in 3
weeks time. These are only persistent symptoms.
I have a few more questions….
I masturbated a few days ago and a small
circular red area of skin appeared immediately afterwards around urethral
opening. This area seemed very irritated and hurt. It went away after about a
day. This has never happened before. Any ideas?
Could a lesser known STI be the root (i.e. M
Genitalium etc)?
Is there anything specifically I should mention
to PCP and urologist to get to the bottom of this?
Have you seen anyone test negative for Herpes 1
or 2 at 8 week mark and test positive afterwards?
Thanks again Dr for all that you do. You have helped me far
more than you will ever know. I hope that our interaction will help other
people in similar situation in future.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Straight to your questions:
1. I masturbated a few days ago and a small circular red area of skin appeared immediately afterwards around urethral opening. This area seemed very irritated and hurt. It went away after about a day. This has never happened before. Any ideas?
Masturbation involved friction and irritation is common. This is not an STI. You may be looking more closely than you have in the past.
2. Could a lesser known STI be the root (i.e. M Genitalium etc)?
No. Your question suggests that you are spending too much time on the internet. If so, that is a bad idea.
3. Is there anything specifically I should mention to PCP and urologist to get to the bottom of this?
No, I would just tell them your story and test results.
4. Have you seen anyone test negative for Herpes 1 or 2 at 8 week mark and test positive afterwards?
Yes, but this is uncommon and has no relevance to your situation
Finally, your continued questions suggest that you are not able to contain your anxiety, Because of this, I would urge you to NOT get a blood test for herpes. False positive test results are common and besides that,, some people who have the blood test find out that they were already infected but did not know it. I worry about your ability to deal with thisif you were to find out that this was the case. I recommend you avoid blood tests for herpes. EWH