[Question #966] Herpes
98 months ago
Hello dr,
20 days ago I was with a female and contracted oral herpes from oral sex. They showed up a few days later around my mouth. We did have protected sex with condom and I have had not had any signs in my genitals. I was given medication by my family dr after a week in and was just off medication Friday. I was told it was highly unlikely that I received genital herpes as well as it was protected and had no signs But the more I research the Internet the more panicked I become. Since I am not able to be tested for a while is it unlikely I have genital herpes as well? Would symptoms have developed by now?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
So the oral herpes that you have - you were the giver of oral sex to someone else, is that right? And was the oral herpes diagnosed by a swab test or just visual examination? Do you know the type (1 or 2)? If you've not had any genital symptoms by now, you are unlikely to develop them or be infected. Did you also kiss this person? Do you know if they have a history of cold sores? Most people develop symptoms of genital infection within 2-10 days if they are going to do so.
98 months ago
Hello Terri,
Yes I was the giver of oral sex. My family dr first diagnosed it as infitiago but then after medicine for that only seemed to spread infection when I put it on. He then diagnosed it as herpes. He gave me medicine to treat herpes and it made things begin to heal. I talked with girl and after I told her my dr said it was herpes she said she had a sore on genitals but believed it to be razor burn. She was going to get tested but hasn't responded to anything in over a week. So I do not know the type. But I was told if it is Oral outbreak it stays oral right.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
98 months ago
Yes Jason it does stay oral but there is so much unknown here. No swabbing was done of your lesions nor her sore. Just because you started to heal after using the medicine doesn't mean that it's herpes - it could just be running it's course. I would strongly suggest, if you were my patient, that you get IgG antibody tested for HSV 1 and 2 now as a baseline - you may become different later but let's see where you are now.
97 months ago
I was contacted last night and she said she tested positive hot hsv didnt tell me type, she said they didn't tell her. I was told not to test for at least three months because it would not register by then. Is this not true? I can test now and find out? Also i have had tingling and an urge to urinate the last day and a half. I don't know if It's just in my head because of anxiety and Internet searching or if it's a symptom even though you said it unlikely. Thank you for all your help!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
You're welcome, of course. But part of your post I don't understand. You said "she said she tested positive hot hsv didnt tell me type", does that mean she did test positive or not?
97 months ago
Sorry auto correct. Yes she did test positive but did know type.
97 months ago
Did not know type
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
So this isn't very helpful because she could just test positive for HSV 1 from being infected as a child. I think you'll need a type specific IgG in a few months to honestly see what has gone on here. I would have been nice to get a baseline IgG but it's probably too late for that. If you want to come back and talk after you get your IgG results, feel free.