[Question #968] NSU or paranoia?
102 months ago
Hi Dr(s),
29 y.o. male in a relationship from London.
Received unprotected oral sex from a Colombian escort (working from a high-end apartment).
Deeply fingered her in the vagina and anus too too. No other activities.
Started the usual panic afterwards thinking I'd caught something.
Began to notice small amounts of completely clear, sticky mucus at intervals during the day. Never coloured or thick, just clear with small amounts, but occurring throughout the day upon self-examination.
Also had testicular pain.
At 2 weeks exactly, went to GUM clinic. Negative for gonorrhoea and chlamydia.
At 4 weeks, went back to GUM clinic - negative for gonorrhoea and chlamydia again. They also swabbed my urethra and did a 'first catch' and 'midstream' urine sample - no infection was detected.
I had sex only once with my girlfriend during that 4 weeks. I have been avoiding sex with her since.. she reported cystitis 3 days ago (4.5 weeks since the incident) and I am terrified I've infected her.
So my questions are:
1) Based on your experiences, should I disregard the idea of NSU?
2) Would it be safe to resume normal sexual activities with my partner?
3) Is deep anal fingering a risk for anything, particularly with a partner who presumably has anal sex with people?
Thanks Drs
102 months ago
I should also add that the Dr did not examine my urethra - merely swab it.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. I will try to help. The exposure you describe was low risk for STI- few commercial sex workers, particularly higher end one, have STIs (they tend to be careful about such things and get checked regularly), you have been tested for the problems that you could transmit to your GF, and there is no STI risk associated with genital or anal masturbation, even deep penetration with your fingers. The UK GUM clinics provide excellent care.
as for your GF's cystitis, this occurs regularly in women and does not necessarily suggest an STI.
With respect to your specific questions:
1) Based on your experiences, should I disregard the idea of NSU?
My sense is that you have been very well evaluated and need to be concerned further. The sticky mucus you have noted may be normal genital/prostatic secretions which you could have overlooked in the past. If they represented infection, your tests at the GUM clinic should have been positive.
2) Would it be safe to resume normal sexual activities with my partner?
3) Is deep anal fingering a risk for anything, particularly with a partner who presumably has anal sex with people?
No, this is a form or masturbation and masturbation is safe sex.
My sense is that you are in the clear and may be detecting otherwise normal sensations and secretions. I hope these comments are helpful to you. From what you say, I see no reason for further concern or testing. EWH