[Question #970] Herpes

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102 months ago
Hello I asked a question prior on here and wanted to be skittle more specific not that I have better information. About 20 days ago I was with a girl and had both oral sex (me giving )as well as condom protected intercourse.  A few days later I developed oral herpes which was visually diagnosed by my famil dr. After initially being diagnosed as inpetiago. I was put on medicine for 7 days. About a week after getting the symptoms. After learning I had herpes I contacted female and she had a sore that she thought was razor burn swabbed and it came back positive for herpes. She did not know what type. I have never had a cold sore or anything similar so this would be my initial outbreak. I have been very nervous lately and I know you said it is unlikely that I would have genital herpes if I haven't shown symptoms yet. However I have had tingling and a frequent urge to urinate lately and I wonder if it's anxiety from all my Internet checking or if it is sign that I recieved genital herpes as well. I also would like to know when is best and earliest time to be tested to know what type I have. Thank you. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
102 months ago
Hi Jason,
I answered your first set of questions and I am clear about your situation.  It is very unfortunate that your oral lesions were not swab tested to determine if this was truly herpes or not as now you have to wait for an antibody test to determinate your herpes status. If you had had a baseline test, we could determine is this outbreak was an old or new infection and what type.  If you had new genital herpes, I think it is likely that you would have both oral and genital lesions.  I would recommend that you test at 6 weeks out and see what your IgG test says, then a final test, if needed, at 12 weeks out from the encounter.

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102 months ago
Hello again Terri, 
Thank you for you help. So I have now found out her swab was positive for hsv 1. I am assuming he this is new infection as I have never had any type of cold sore or anything before. So do you think the tingling and frequent need to urinate is coming from my anxiety since I don't have any genital lesions? 
Thanks again for your help
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
102 months ago
Honestly, I think if you acquired new genital herpes at the same time you acquired oral herpes, you would have genital lesions instead of just tingling and frequency.  Good that she has HSV 1~  This is the usual cold sore virus.  And you have it orally, which many adults also have  I still think you should have any future recurrences swab tested to determine if they are actually herpes or not.

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102 months ago
Thank you for your help with everything! I'll try relaxing and not stress myself out hopefully that helps the thinking and frequency. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
102 months ago
Sounds like a good plan, Jason
