[Question #974] 8 years old HIV risk at school ? very worried brother
102 months ago
Hello Doctors Im 26 years old from Rio ,Brazil and i have a 8 years old brother i will describe a very unusual situation that happened to my brother 3 weeks ago at school , i was not present because i was in vacation in Europe , so 3 weeks ago my parents went to get my 8 years old brother in school at the time school finish here at 5 pm , he found my brother scared and wet , he went to talk to the principal and he said that a older children have urinated on him on school grounds just before he was about to live he could not idetify the boy (of course he was scared that the boy would bet him) when i arrived i confronted the principal a woman and i told my parents to remove him from school because this is a public school in Brazil in Brazilian public schools 85% or more of students are poor people normally from favelas and sometimes we found kids involved with gangs and such so its not anormal for a 10 year old to think like a 15 years old but let me go direct to the facts .As i arrived and my brother knew that he would not study on that school anymore but go to a private school , i had a conversation with him and he explained me that he was in the bathroom cleaning his hands when the older kid that he identified by name between 11-12 years old entered the bathroom exposing his penis and urinating on his stomach , legs and chest . he said that he could not confirm if some urine have hit his face but he says that probably not or very litlee on the cheecks , i asked by father and he says at the day mostly his coat was weat but not soaked , he said that his face was also weat he said that was tap water because he was cleaning himself as he was disgusted with the situation .
Do you believe theres is any HIV or STD risk involved in the scenario i described above ?
its possible that some urine have splashed in his eyes and month , i know its dificult but i cant know if that could contain blood .its unlikely but a possibility
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
102 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago