[Question #978] STD FEAR

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102 months ago
Hello Doctor.I apologize for my bad english.I am Italian. So, I live in Tokyo and this morning I decided to meet an escort:Japanese girl, 40 y.o. She told me she started this job 5 years go. We took a shower together and we started our intercourse:kissing, mutual mastubation, oral sex (I performed to her and she performed to me), then I wear a condom for vaginal sex. After the 1th round we laied on the bed and start to talking and she said to me that sometimes she perform UNPROTECTED SEXwith repeated customers. I PANICKED and immediately I say to her to go way, probably I was rude but inthat moment I was like a crazy.Anyway, I am calm now and these are my questions: condom worked, no cuts. but oral sex was unprotected as kissing of course. Do I need to test for this exposure?I am in a relationship can I continue to have sex with my partner?I usually test 2 times per year, last time I tested in February and all (Chlamydia,Ghonorrea,Syphillis,HIV)was negative. Thank you
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
Welcome to the Forum.  I'll be pleased to comment.  We tend to recommend testing more often for clients of commercial sex workers in Japan than anywhere else because the occurrence of antibiotic resistant gonorrhea following oral sex is higher in Japan than anywhere else.  Generally oral sex is low risk and condom protected sex like the vaginal sex you report is safe sex.  My advice is for you to have a throat swab and urine test done for gonorrhea.  The risk for all other STIs is so low that I would not worry about them.  If your gonorrhea tests are negative from those two sites then you do not need to worry further and no further testing is recommended.

Overall the risk that you were infected is low but it is better to be safe than sorry.  EWH
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102 months ago

Doctor Hook, thank you very much for your fast reply. I already set up an appointment with a STD clinic here in Tokyo and I will let you know the results.

I have a question: usually gonorrhea bring sympthoms right?I mean, if in the next 5/6 days I don't notice any burning during urination, is it a good new or gonorrhea could be asymptomatic?Also, what about sex with my partner I better stop for a while and waiting for tests results?Thanks!

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Good, I am glad that you will be tested.  I anticipate that the results will show that you were not infected but best to be sure with testing.  

About one in 20 cases of urethral (penile) gonorrhea will be asymptomatic and most gonococcal pharyngitis is asymptomatic.  While I expect your tests to be negative, best to refrain from unprotected sex with your partner until you know you are in the clear.  EWH
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101 months ago
Good day Doctor,today I went to clinic for the test.I explained the situation to the Doctor and he suggested me to test for Chlamidya and Oral Chlamidya too and in 2 weeks for HIV. He was not a specialist STD Doctor but generic (maybe very conservative).Anyway as you suggested to me I tested for Oral Gonorrhea and urine test too. I will receive results in 3 days. I will let you know. Still thank you!
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101 months ago
Dear Doctor, as you anticipate, both test resulted negative. Thank you very much for your help!
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
101 months ago
Thanks for the followup information.  I trust you will now be able to move forward without concern.  Take care.  EWH---