[Question #981] Protected Oral Sex and STI risks

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102 months ago
Dear Doctor,

I had a condom protected oral sex encounter with a CSW in Trinidad yesterday for about 5-7 minutes. The condom stayed on intact until the end of the oral sex. The CSW used her hand to rub my penile shaft while performing oral sex. After the oral sex was complete, she removed the condom and disposed it. I am a little concerned about my risks for STI especially Herpes and HPV.  Her hands with saliva did come into contact with my thighs etc.  Also, her mouth was close to my other body parts, during the oral sex, which were not covered by the condom. I am concerned about the skin to skin contact.  What are my risks here and should I get tested for the common STIs especially herpes? 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  I'll be pleased to comment.  let me first comment on the easy parts of your question.  Following the encounter your describe- receipt of condom protected oral sex followed by receipt of masturbation, there is no meaningful risk for having gotten HPV, herpes or any or the traditional STIs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV or syphilis.  No risk, no need for testing, and no reason for concern.  The condom would have prevented STI transmission during the oral sex, no STIs are meaningfully transmitted through receipt of masturbation, even when a partner's genital secretions are transferred during masturbation activities and no STIs are transmitted in saliva.

I would not be at all worried about the events that you describe.  EWH

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102 months ago
Thank you for the quick reply, Doctor. Would I need to be concerned about genital herpes simplex type-1 in the areas not covered and protected by the condom?

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago
No, I would not worry.  Statistically the risk of HSV-1 for you is less than 1/100th of 1%, perhaps lower.  EWH
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102 months ago
Being a little paranoid, but would it be best to wait 10-15 days before resuming unprotected sex with my girl friend?  
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
102 months ago

If I were you, I would not be worried.  Your decision to abstain is a personal choice but I am not sure what would change if you were to wait 10-15 days before resuming unprotected sex with your girlfriend.  If you need to prove to yourself that you did not get infected with usual STI bacteria such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, you should get tested now and believe the test results.  If you are worried about herpes, you are correct that most outbreaks from newly acquired herpes occur within two weeks of exposure. 

Thisis my third reply to you questions.  As per Forum guidelines, this thread will be closed later today.  EWH
